marqueur : communiqué de presse, Peter Grant, 1973

grand art de la publicité rock’n roll

sommaire général _ précédent _ suivant


« Dear Sir, The artist commise for the Gala evenings organised by the International Record and Publishing Market (MIDEM) has selected LED ZEPPELIN and his musicians to participate in an International Groups Night which will bring together groups of international reputation for an all night performance. The International Groups Night will be held on 20 January in Cannes, France, during the MIDEM. We would like to point out that the attendance at the Gala evenings in composed of show business professionals come from all over the world. Radio and television representatives as well as the press are also present and actively promote the preforming artists. We asked our British representative : Roger Watkins who has his offices at 25 Berkeley House, 15 Hay Hill, in London (493 55 63) to contact you to give you further information. Of course, LED ZEPPELIN and his group would be our guests during their stay in Cannes. We hope that Led Zeppelin will be able to participate in our International Groups Night and we look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Bernard CHEVRY Commissaire Général…. Monsieur Bernard Chevry invite M. Led Zeppelin et son groupe de musiciens à se produire gratuitement au gala du Midem à Cannes, frais de transport et d’hôtel gracieusement pris en charge... » (ponctuation et graphies d’origine).

Mais Peter Grant achète une pleine page du Record Retailer et publie intégralement et sans commentaire la lettre envoyée à « Moinsieur Zeppelin », adresse de l’envoyeur et numéro de téléphone compris.

Il a juste ajouté un titre, en gros caractères : MR. ZEPPELIN REGRETS.

responsable publication François Bon © Tiers Livre Éditeur, cf mentions légales
diffusion sous licence Creative Commons CC-BY-SA
1ère mise en ligne et dernière modification le 14 mars 2014
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